Have you ever brought your child to work and they end up sitting in your cubicle all day with you doing nothing? Here's a few suggestions to give to your HR department and interns. This doesn't have to be an isolated experience with just you and your child.
1. Have a scavenger hunt.
The kids will love this in the office setting. It's kind of like roller blading in the hallways of your old grade school (so 1990's). The kids will be more excited to be there when they're racing around looking for clues in teams.
2. Order pizza for everyone and setup the conference room with a speaker/video.
If you need to tame a bunch of kids at once there's no better way than sitting them all down for some pizza. Choose someone who can talk about the company and is a natural speaker while the kids eat. Ask the kids what they want to be when they grow up and have them fill out surveys to keep them preoccupied until it's time for another event. Show a video that pertains to the business. Keep it simple and light so they don't lose interest.
3. Schedule a team build event.
Get the kids to work together on a project. MTU Detroit Diesel, for example, scheduled a build event with us for their employees' children this past month. We set up 3 Assembly Lines in the conference room and had 30 kids building trucks! Each child mastered a particular task at a station and did their part 10 times. 1 hour later there were over 30 trucks for the kids to fill with candy and take home to mom and dad. It was a great event for the kids and parents! Contact us on our website for more info about build events. http://www.constructatruckusa.com/pages/book-a-build-event
I'm sure there's more you could think of doing but hopefully this gave you a few ideas about how to make "Bring Your Chid to Work Day" a little better for everyone. Just have an itinerary planned for each hour of the workday for the kids. Get an intern to work on it and send them this blog to get the wheels turning.